Saturday, June 27, 2009

waking up on Saturday- Ahchoo!! Er?


2 days.

4 rooms.

Dad's Lab and 3 stores.

Tonnes of cookware,files and triple full cupboard of bed sheets,carpets and catering stuff. Only me and my little sis. Don't even imagine it.

We've been staying in Shah Alam for 20 years and really have our own home here for 3 years. Sometimes Allah knows better and even how Mum and Dad planned to stay at Pahang, it just never happened.

I just hope I that I don't have to move so many times during my career day. I heard many stories of people have to move so many time due to workplace and career demand. But who knows? Maybe I'll venture out here and there before really settling down.

And please, not a feminine,but settling down is never,and not only mean getting married. Enough said.


Tired and close to exhaustion there is still so much to be done. There are boxes for babe and me to be packed. Clothes,books,toiletries and many more survival kit for hostels.

pic: I want my morning kiss NOW!! or else...

Oden really gave us hard time. He knew something going on. And part of me believe he understand that he is not going to see us that much after this.

So he gave his final act of fun and outrageous behavior for attention. Countless time he jump on my bed,purring for the morning kiss on his forehead. Intentionly getting in babe's box and spending more time inside the house than outside. The hugs and kisses we gave him seem not enough.

Now with Nabilah at UITM pursuing study in accounts, he direct his attention seeking act fully to me. He understand all this short goodbye we gave him. And sometimes I too felt he understand how truly we love him as he to us.

Loving Oden,the enormous ginger fat cat maybe seem foolish. But hey, who are us to judge? To all cat lovers I salute you for keeping those felines safe and loved. =)


Now Shah Alam is under threat of swine flu. Waking up this morning for Subuh I let out a unexpectable sneeze.


p/s: No, I don't go anywhere outside Malaysia. And yes, i cancelled all trips to the heavily infected coutry. And yes, I did kiss Oden on his forehead. And by the way, Oden is a CAT. meow...


Tirana said...

hehehe..kucing pun inginkan perhatian dari penjaganya apa lagi la anak orang tapi suka tengok oden..manjanya lebih..hehehe..

fareast said...

salam, jaga kesihatan baik2, kalau ada duit lebih sikit beli mask macam org jepun pakai.

walaupun ada flu kat jepun tapi terkawal.

anumz sarah said...

Salam kak Tirana,

Manja Oden mmg over kak.. hehe... ^^

anumz sarah said...

Salam fareast,

Anum bercdg utk membeli mask. Di Malaysia jangkitan semakin meningkat. Aduh...risau..risau...