"Abah pernah kayuh basikal dari Negeri Sembilan ke Universiti Pertanian Malaysia. Kawan abah dulu Dr. Gowhd tumpang di belakang basikal. Bayangkan... The value of education is priceless and that's why I want my children to experience more than I could. "
Itu pesan abah atau panggilan Daddy jika kami berbual dalam bahasa Inggeris. He is a smart man, my dad. Waktu di sekolah dulu abah is the only anak kampung melayu yang berada dalam kelas pertama dan selalu skor matematik.
Abah yg eccentric. He has many theories,could read books and memorize most of the content after one read and he could talk about anything. From history,biology to the most fascinating physic theories of any mechanical stuff.
Abah yg saya kenal bukannya sempurna,he has his weakness too. In fact saya percaya Abah sering admit his mistakes and allow open conversation but being the most brilliant man he's not much a listener. Mom does it for us. She's the good listener and Dad very much the good advisor.
Saya percaya Abah had done his best in raising us. Alhamdulillah,we are grateful for his act of resposibilities,his maturity in giving us lessons in life and mostly his unconditional love. Not a perfect dad but THE BEST. =)
" Mama, you married a 'town boy'. Let him enjoy all the mamaks and kopitiaming as he should in his golden years. He is never going to be the gardening stay at home husband you longed for... It's just who he is..."
Itu nasihat Along ketika Mama membandingkan Daddy dengan uncle Mat, jiran sebelah. Abah sudah pencen hampir 2 tahun lebih dan gemar 'kopitiaming' atau spend time exploring the city hawkers. Yup,uncle sebelah rumah memang suka berkebun dan sering saja kelihatan di rumah sesudah pencen.
But my Dad is more the adventurous type of guy. He grew up in PJ,the bustling neighbourhood with all the cities excitement. Worked in KL and has a knack of exploring cities hawkers. He loves those atmosphere. Had been travelling around country and bought books on local delicacies and where you can find them in Malaysia. Books on photographs,Malay pantun, histories,and anything.
He had his library or I called it his 'Lab' due to masses of books and magazine.He jot down ideas and thought from reading and always with his gadget tech during his time in his 'lab'.
Typical dad. I usually comment. But I knew that's who he is. There this 'town boy' somewhere inside my golden age Dad....
We have not known much leisure in life. We are not taught of luxury. Dad always the simplest flexible guy I ever know.
He once told us :
" When I got the letter from Malay College of Kuala Kangsar( MCKK), I had the letter thrown in the dustbin. My father was very poor,he can't afford to pay my study fees. Only after a week my brothers realised the letter and even so,they still can't do anything about it. We had no money for RM 10 fees..."
He had the chance. But he can't afford to be the burden to his family. We are the lucky ones. Dad used to say. We had better things in life but still we can't accomplished his success. He had better success because he was not born to have many things but still can succeed.
That's when I realised the true meaning of wealth from my Dad. It is the simple gestures, the ability to appreciate knowledge and chances in life, the ability to improve from time to time and become a better person without the material possesion.
Wealth is more than ability to make more money. It is the ability to appreciate what you already have and the REAL things you CAN'T BUY. Love,family,peace and many more the material can't give you.
hehe..of course not this bike...
My Dad is the only bank manager who ride a 'kapcai' bike to go to work. He used to joke about his bike and sometimes let us ride around. But most of the time he always arrived 11 pm to the house,exhausted and then must worked harder during Raya season.
He still had his kapcai bike though. Dad is sentimental even for a guy. That bike helped him feed his 4 children. His real wealth is to care for us.
Thank you Dad, for all the things money can't buy....
My parents are not the lovey dovey couple.But they are stronger than ever. 33 years of marriages .33 years of learning differences,battling the hard truth reality of life in marriages and they are still together.
I still watch them quarrel. But there this funny things happen when old couples fight. They argue yes,but they respect and consider each other opinion. And it always resolve when one of them put a white flag then both worked out to find the win/win situation.
I guess differences are needed to make you grow up in relationship. To complete and to learn what truly matter in life. The sacrifises they made for us to earn our life now are more than what we could imagine.
Now my Dad is enjoying much of his golden age. Soon my Mum will retired from teaching and they will have more time together. Mum had always wanted a quiet stay at home time after her pension,but I knew Dad already plan the whole Malaysia Tour for both of them with our old family van.
Well,I guess that's what happen when the 'town boy' meets 'kampung girl'...
p/s: Happy Fathers' Day Dad!! =)