Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The price to pay.


I never consider myself as the top player. I'm average. I knew that in the deepest corner of my heart I have to strive harder, work smarter and prove every single way that I'm worth to be in the league. But at what cost? Why sacrifice? Why I am so intend to work my butt off to give my best when there are people around me always thinks or said that I'm not good enough. That I have never make it to their par. Who are these people to graded you and life or to standardize the achievements?

I have never been so intrigued in my life to actually immerse in this type of rat race in my career life. Nor accept it blindly,because I wanted things around me to be better. Career is not my life but just a part of it. Can I really have it all?

This question has been bugging me this whole month. The truth I want to love what I do and be happy about it. I want to be able to work with others, to put deeper meaning in my career, to stabilize it to a point where I can evolved and be a better person at the same time fulfill my duty as His servant. To be able to differentiate what is important in life other than materials and prizes. I want to achieve balance,love and harmony in every aspect of my life. To say it is easy,to achieve it,is another thing.

Plus with SLE the challenges double. My priority is my health. Because I never want to burden me or anyone at all by being sick and immobilized. Percayalah menjadi manusia sakit sebenarnya sangat menduga tetapi Allah masih benarkan sy menjalani kehidupan dgn baik. Masih mampu bekerja,mampu menyara diri sendiri dan saya tidak suka menyusahkan sesiapa. Diuji oleh penyakit sebegini dan dalam mengejar cinta cita-cita sy perlu realistik. Sangat realistik.


Whatever definition,decisions or actions I took or about to take must be for His please. I am His mere servant bound to His rule and responsibility. Yet I am human. I make mistakes, learn from it and move on by being a better person. 

Percaya atau tidak, saya suka pd kata-kata " Kehebatan terletak pd kesederhanaan". Itulah fakta kehidupan saya. Saya cinta pd kesederhanaan. Kerana pd kesederhanaan ada ketenangan. Tenang, itu yg sy kejar sbnrnya. Tapi bukan kehidupanlah namanya jika tiada tribulasi, cabaran dan kekalutan. Mencari tenang dlm kehidupan merupakan satu cabaran. 

Sayakah yg tidak realistik atau sebenarnya ada jalan penyelesaian cuma perlu pada inisiatif proaktif. Skrip kehidupan manusia memang sudah ada di Lauh Mahfuz tetapi pilihan kita tetap memainkan peranan penting.PILIHAN. Merupakan satu perkataan mudah tetapi sangat mempengaruhi kehidupan. Hidup ini merupakan kelas pembelajaran yg punya ruang pilihan dan improvement yg besar. Setiap pilihan sy ada juga silapnya, walau tujuannya ingin mencapai keredhaan Rabb.


Mengejar kejayaan dunia dan akhirat memerlukan pengorbanan di peringkat awal. Bak pepatah melayu, bersusah-susah dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian. Jika inginkan kemanisan syurga maka mesti menelan pahitnya ujian dunia.

Saya sedang memahami konsep 'the price to pay'. Kerana apa jua jenis kejayaan pun, pasti ada harganya. Apatah lagi kejayaan dunia akhirat beserta mengekalkan kesihatan diri yg diuji.  Semoga Allah memberi jawapan dan menguatkan minda,hati serta iman utk mem'bayar' harga kejayaan ini. Ameen...

"‎"When I pretend to be strong, no one sees my hidden tears except Allah. When I'm sad and need a shoulder to cry on, no one supports me but Allah. Pleasing a human is very difficult, pleasing Allah is the easiest. People sometimes punish me for mistakes I have not done, Allah ignores and excuses the one that i did. This is Allah, The Greatest, The Most Almighty, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful, and all praises belongs to Him.-Tariq Ramadhan"

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