Saturday, July 14, 2012

Super busy? Nope. It's life.


It's been a hectic month for me. June was so full that I need to learn how to STOP & BREATHE.Alhamdulillah,July seems to be quite peaceful and calm. Well, come to think of it, the real meaning of July is research month  of HTAR.

Yep,so much of peace and calm huh? But I need to do this. I need to finish things that I started. So, June brought Muslimah Empowered event at MARTRADE center. I am blessed to meet with such wonderful speaker. Sis Yasmin Mogahed, Sis Raya Softkatland, Sis Wardina and Mercy Mission Brother Tawfik, Sheikh Yahya and Sis Myriam Francoise. 

The bazaar, spa treatment(facial,pedi and manicure) plus entire day of talk by sisters were a good experience. Alhamdulillah. I got the chance to prayed with Sis Raya for maghrib prayer. Am thankful to Allah for the wonderful experience. 


I don't want to talk about work. Please. Not now. Today is Saturday and I need my mind,heart and body to rest. Plus SLE won't let me be the outing type of gal,just the indoor type. Oh well, am happy to admit that me and hi-tea is couple made in heaven. Me and 'keluar jalan2 crazy explorer' are well....errr...just not my cup of tea.Talk about tea-I HAD THE MOST WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY TEA EVER!!!!

Thank you Mar and Imah for superb belanja birthday tea. I promise next time is my treat. We are gonna go CAFE HUNTING!!! Heee...of course I would love to experience Levaine Boulangerie,but it is in KL and driving to KL is just....nantilah...

Plus today,just met my primary school bestfriend Aisyah at her wedding. much time had passed that I miss her so much. Although reunion is not recommended at weddings,short gathering yes. Not a long let's meet and chat. Cause really people, it's a wedding for god's sake!

ME TIME....tsk..tskk....

I miss my 'me time'. I love being the quiet gal. It's like having the perk of being a wallflower. Yeah,sounds familiar? Of course it's a title of a book and indie film. And I need that,really,really,REALLY NEED THAT.

Need to cari my inner peace again. Hopefully by the end of July I manage to get my research done and raya happily. Yep,for now I must finished all my kerja. InsyaAllah....